Welcome, Java Hipster!
This application is a microservice, which has been generated using
- It does not have a front-end. The front-end should be generated on a JHipster gateway.
- It is serving REST APIs, under the '/api' URLs.
To manage this microservice, you will probably want to use the
JHipster Registry:
To run the JHipster Registry locally, you can use Docker:
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/jhipster-registry.yml up -d
Its default URL is http://localhost:8761/ and its default login/password is
OpenAPI documentation endpoint for those APIs is at /v3/api-docs
SwaggerUI is at /swagger-ui/index.html
If you have any question on JHipster:
If you like JHipster, don't forget to give us a star on